PTO is raising funds this year for supplies needed for teachers, students, and the school. With your generous donation the PTO can continue to provide: Classroom Software and App Subscriptions including RAZ Kids, Reading A-Z, Brain Pop, Accelerated Reader, Scholastic Digital Magazine, & Spelling City; along with Teacher Classroom Supplies for your child, Technology & Classroom Improvements, Art, Music, & PE Supplies, STEM, Enrichment & Assemblies, Teacher & Staff Appreciation, Professional Development & Teacher Continuing Education, Principal Funding, Book Fair, Field Day, Edukits, Copy Cats, Nurse & Library Supplies, Art Masterpiece, Art to Remember, Community Development & Outreach , Family/Community/School Events, and more.
Our goal is to raise as much funds needed with Light our Fire and Step It Up that we do not additional fundraisers throughout the year.